Do you believe it? Android 退亡潮爆發

iphone sales chart

Apple 公開:短短 3 個月內,竟有這麼多人轉投 iPhone,

48 million iPhones sold in the three months to September 26, 30% of those who were replacing their current smartphones, rather than buying their first one, were ditching their Android device.

Android 退亡潮爆發令到 蘋果再度刷新紀錄,昨日宜怖新一季財報顯示他們剛創下了有史以來最高一筆年利潤(annual profit);而這一切都歸功於他們在過去 12 個月屢屢刷新創紀錄的 iPhone 銷售成績,數據化一點的說法,就是 iPhone 的熱賣幫助蘋果賺進了 534 億美元。


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