
年尾一定有一大堆大事回顧,我唔識又唔曉, 不如學一個2015新興英文字”virtue signaling”

virtue signalling

何謂virtue signaling? 就是 do or say things in public with a view to advertising how virtuous, or how good, you are, indicating that you are kind, decent and virtuous ( adj.善良的,有道德的,貞潔的,有效力的 )..

上一上fb , 就看到十之有九個posts,都是有signaling味。有表現自己有幾大愛的咒罵資本主義posts(virtue signaling)、有到米之連一二三星fine dining餐廳, 幾千元的幾塊Omakase (お任せ) 或private clubs食好野自拍同埋show車show名牌袋的posts(wealth/economic status signaling)、有show肌肉露事業線的physical fitness/sexual attractiveness signaling、有自以為看破世事眾人皆醉我獨醒的intelligence signaling (朋友成了大師)、還有taste signaling、strength signaling⋯⋯各式各樣的曬命post, twitter 都有好多#virtuesignal

Virtue signaling的出處是英國右派政治雜誌spectator James 其中一篇專欄文章,用來話左派的人偽善。Pending to add to Dictionary.


Example: There must be a special level in hell below rapists and killers for anyone that uses twitter & a migrant crisis to #virtuesignal

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