
2015 即將過去, 展望2016, 特此分享30位執行長(CEO)給你的30個成功習慣

Original ariticle: 30 CEOs Reveal the Daily Habits Responsible for Their Success

good habit


  1. 每天嘗試新事物–BucketFeet 共同創辦人兼執行長內馬尼(Raaja Nemani Official website

Try one new thing each day.

  1. 每天都是好天–Manage by Q共同創辦人兼執行長提朗Dan Teran

Don’t do bad days.


  1. 注意趨勢–Willow創辦人兼執行長布魯區(Michael Bruch

Stay informed about what’s trending.


  1.  可能地參加聚會和活動–Donde Fashion創辦人兼執行長薩凱Liat Zakay

Accept invitations to as many meetings and events as possible.

“You never know who you will meet or the advice you’ll receive.”

–Liat Zakay, founder and CEO of , a visual search engine that allows users to shop from more than 6,000 brands and over 1 million products. Check her blog also, tweet, linkin.

  1. 持續試驗新事物和新方法– Particle共同創辦人兼執行長蘇帕拉Zach Supalla

Experiment constantly.

“I’m always trying new things and changing how I work. As we’ve grown from a team of four to a team of 28, my job has changed pretty significantly, and by experimenting with new habits and processes regularly, I am always discovering better ways to run my team that make sense as we grow.”

  1. 碰上難題時,放鬆一下大腦–Medalogix創辦人兼執行長霍根Dan Hogan

Fight brain blocks with building blocks.


  1. 不要害怕寫電子郵件給「大」–SOLS執行長舒文伯格(Kegan Schouwenburg

Never be afraid to email someone who is “too big.”


  1. 準時至上–Petra創辦人貝里(Andy Bailey

Make punctuality a priority.


  1. 絕對不要叫別人做你自己也不願意做的事–WiseBanyan共同創辦人兼執行長摩爾(Herbert Moore

Never ask somebody to do something you wouldn’t do yourself.


  1. 看YouTube,向其他成功領導者學習–Dia&Co共同創辦人兼營運長吉伯特(Lydia Gilbert

Watch YouTube to learn from other great leaders.

  1. 運動和冥想–ASTRSK創辦人兼執行長托梅諾(Elliot Tomaeno

Exercise and meditate.


  1. 開車時聽有聲書–Digital Third Coast創辦人兼營運總監澤拉廷(George Zlatin

Listen to self-improvement books in the car.


  1. 用能夠感染他人的正面態度迎接每一天–SnoopWall執行長米利夫斯基(Gary Miliefsky

Start each day with an infectious positive attitude.


  1. 為每一位團隊成員挪出時間–Signal執行長桑斯(Mike Sands

Make time for everyone on your team, no matter where they are.


  1. 好好利用通勤時間–Capify創辦人兼執行長高丁(David Goldin

Make the most of drive time.

  1. 會議前做足準備,讓每次會議都有如第二次會議–Experian北美執行長邦迪(Craig Boundy

Make every meeting the second meeting.

–Craig Boundy, CEO of Experian North America, which was named one of the top 100 innovative companies in the world by Forbes.

  1. 練習瑜伽–Manta執行長史萬西格(John Swanciger

Find your inner yogi.

“Yoga has helped in so many areas of my life. …But I have found a regular practice makes me a better leader, more patient parent, and keeps me sharp mentally and physically.”

  1. 尋找和你在技能上可以互補的團隊成員–Corvisa執行長茲(Matt Lautz

Surround yourself with people whose skills complement your own.

  1. 在睡前散步–Algebraix Data執行長西佛(Charlie Silver)

Walk before bed.

“Every evening after the kids go to sleep, I take a 30-minute walk alone without music. … Most importantly, I sleep like a baby. I learned the importance of this 15 years ago, after reading a biography of Harry Truman, who had to deal with being the president at the end of WWII.”

  1. 花點時間忘卻現實,讓想像力奔馳–Skimlinks執行長納瓦洛Alicia Navarro

Make time in your life for fiction.


  1. 注重營養,心懷感激–Terra’s Kitchen執行長麥克德維特(Michael McDevitt

Focus on nutrition and appreciation.


  1. 臥房裡絕不工作–Veestro創辦人兼執行長法區勒(Mark Fachler

Leave your work out of the bedroom.


  1. 用生動的語彙幫助他人「看見」未來–Vongolo Consulting創辦人德榮(Rob-Jan de Jong

Use pictorial language to help people “see” the future.

–Rob-Jan de Jong, founder of Vongolo Consulting and author of Anticipate: The Art of Leading by Looking Ahead, which Business Traveller included on its “Books You Should Read” list. The Vision Paradox


  1. 每天運動–SiteZeus共同創辦人兼執行長鮑德溫(Hannibal Baldwin

Exercise every day.

“I’ve exercised–whether it be lifting or running–religiously for the past 12 years of my life, and it has played a critical role in my daily attitude, work potential, and outlook on life.”

  1. 不要慌張,不要急–Broadview Networks執行長羅賓遜(Mike Robinson)

Don’t panic and don’t run.


  1. 用70%的資料做決策,強迫自己思考哪些資料最重要–Mblox執行長考尼(Tom Cotney

Use the 70/30 approach to professional life.

“Cultivate good judgment by learning to be comfortable making 100 percent of a decision with 70 percent of the data. This approach forces you to weigh what is really important and to understand the remainder of the data isn’t worth the time it takes to collect. … Target being right 70 percent of the time with everything you do. Any extra time you spend on being right means you will miss opportunities, both personally and professionally.”


  1. 列出每月、每週、每日要完成的目標–Qylur,創辦人兼執行長多勒夫Lisa DolevHer vision 

Make lists.


  1. 鼓勵員工提出問題–AppDynamics創辦人兼執行長班索Jyoti Bansal

Encourage questions.


  1. 每天至少和一位顧客談話–GoButler創辦人兼執行長哈德(Navid Hadzaad

Talk to at least one customer every day.


  1. 早起處理電子郵件–Voyat創辦人兼執行長哈貝爾(Benjamin Habbel
     關鍵字: 工作 領導 執行 團隊合作 生活。

Start your day with a clean inbox.

處理電子郵件可以參考Google Inbox 11步完成 Gmail 時間管理!一個月心得


(Due to the copyright issue, complete version upon request)




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